Mr Ben Davis
MB ChB MRCS FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Consultant Trauma, Orthopaedic and Limb Reconstruction Surgeon
Skeletal Trauma is the leading cause of long-term disability and loss of earning in the UK. Rapid recovery from injury depends upon accurate assessment and diagnosis, the right treatment, and the right rehabilitation.
Working as a full-time NHS Consultant at the Norfolk and Norwich NHS Trust, I provide a tertiary level NHS referral service for the East of England for complex trauma managament and delayed limb reconstruction, including surgery for limb lengthening.
I specialise in the management of acute bony injury, non-union, mal-union, acquired and congenital bone deformity and bone infection and perform hip and knee replacement in large volumes.
To arrange a private consultation please contact:
Mrs K Richardson: 07889233351
Spire Norwich Hospital Appointments: 01603 255574
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